The following “Standard Terms and Conditions” shall apply to all the “Services” conducted by FlowCentric Technologies Pty Ltd (“FlowCentric”) on behalf of “the Client.”

  1. “The Services” shall mean the scope of services, duties and activities provided by FlowCentric to the Client as defined in the attached proposal.
  2. “The Client” is the person, company, authority, or other body who instructs FlowCentric to conduct the work and shall mean the addressee detailed in the above proposal.
  3. Prior to the commencement of any work by FlowCentric, written acceptance of the proposal and terms thereof is required.
  4. FlowCentric shall in the performance of the Services (as defined in the proposal) exercise and will continue to exercise the reasonable skill, care, and diligence to be expected of a properly qualified and competent consulting experienced in the provision of such service.
  5. In consideration of the performance of the Services the Client shall pay to FlowCentric the fees stated in the proposal and any subsequent amendments as agreed by both parties. If FlowCentric is required by the Client to provide additional services outside the scope and nature of the Services set out in the proposal, the Client shall make a fair and reasonable additional payment to FlowCentric in consideration thereof. Such payment shall, where appropriate, be calculated by reference to the rates and sums set out in the proposal.
  6. Payment of invoices will be strictly 7 days from the date of invoice. Interest at a rate 2% per month outstanding will be levied on all outstanding payments.
  7. All monies due to FlowCentric shall be paid in Australian Dollars unless specifically detailed otherwise.
  8. Unless the Client is exempt, Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be applied at the prevailing standard rate on all invoices rendered.
  9. Delays in the project process due to the Client e.g., additional requirements or other changes to the Scope of Work, or reasonable unforeseen circumstances such as changes in legislative requirements during the project, will not be reason for consideration of penalty clauses.
  10. All intellectual property rights and copyright associated with FlowCentric products shall remain the property of FlowCentric.
  11. FlowCentric (including any/all sub-contractors to be used on this project) is appointed as an independent Consultant.
  12. Title to the goods supplied remains vested in FlowCentric until payment of the total contract value by the buyer is receive.