Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors
The IRBA is the statutory body controlling that part of the accountancy profession involved with public accountancy in South Africa. Its strategic focus is to protect the financial interests of the public by ensuring that only suitably qualified individuals are admitted to the auditing profession and that registered auditors deliver services of the highest quality and adhere to the highest ethics standards
The Situation
Every department at the statutory body compiled data in Excel for presentation to auditors. Firm details, registration lifecycles, auditing inspections, legal complaints, reportable irregularities and information on the training of auditors were all captured in Excel and managed manually by employees. It was extremely difficult to deal with this data and also challenging to keep track of the physical information.
The small data warehouse package in use simply could not deliver on the organisation’s growing demands; so, it had to be replaced. The statutory body needed a centralised solution that would be capable of managing and reconciling the data, such as manual inputs and scanned documents, from various sources.
The Solution
The professional services team from FlowCentric helped the organisation to completely redevelop its core business processes. The team also implemented a complete data warehousing solution, which includes reporting and business intelligence functionalities.
Benefits and Optimisations
- Centralised solution with a single intuitive user interface.
- Critical records were available digitally, securely, and only to those who required access.