Acc Sourcing Botswana

Contact Information:

Category: Implementation Partner
Location: Botswana
Headquarters: Plot 64517, Gaborone, Botswana
Contact: +267 310 5829
Industry Focus: Financial Services, Manufacturing, Logistics

Acc Sourcing is registered and headquartered in Botswana. The company began as a reseller of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Acc Sourcing’s quest for quality and superior customer experience, coupled with its profound knowledge of business, has seen the company acquiring and maintaining a robust customer base. The company has long-term relationships with some of the largest companies on the Botswana Stock Exchange and with major players in the economy of the country.

Many companies have felt that they needed to change their ERP systems owing to a perceived lack of capabilities to solve enterprise wide problems. Acc Sourcing identified this need and took a deliberate decision to shift from purely ERP implementation and support, to developing solutions that extend the life and capabilities of ERP software. The company’s relationship with FlowCentric began there. Acc Sourcing has adopted the FlowCentric BPM Software and exploits the robust platform to deliver the complex business solutions that companies desire.

Acc Sourcing has the technical and business skills to successfully execute projects of various sizes and complexity.

  • FlowCentric’s Best Newcomer of the Year Award 2017-2018 went to implementation partner Acc Sourcing, for the superb work that the company is doing in the financial sector in Botswana.